Director Spike Jonze (“Being John Malkovich,” “Her,” “Adaptation”) released this surprise two-minute short film tited “The New Normal.” The film is a partnership with the cannabis company MedMen and finds Jonze advocating for marijuana legalization. Per the synopsis from MedMen: “The commercial chronicles society’s evolving perceptions of the plant, from pre-prohibition to the modern industry of today. While looking back through America’s history, from George Washington’s hemp farm, to Reefer Madness propaganda, ‘The New Normal’ takes the audience on a journey through the injustices of the past and a hopeful view for the future.” Jonze shot the film with talented cinematographer Bradford Young (“Selma,” “Arrival”). MedMen has also announced that Jonze is creating a short documentary with filmmaker Molly Schiot that was shot on set and “explores the themes of the short film in more detail.” Jonze did some thorough research before making the doc, including interviewing users of marijuana, including veterans who have, former cops, formerly incarcerated drug offenders, and young entrepreneurs profiting from weed finally being part of our culture and not being stigmatized the way it was back in the “Reefer Madness” days. Contribute Hire me

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