Reviews have come out and they are universally positive. An 80 on Metacritic and a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. So, what gives? If the movie is that good then you’d think the WB team would be thrilled to let me watch this film. Alas, after three email requests for a screener, nada. I seem to have been ghosted. Something tells me it has to do with my tendency to not like anything Manuel-Miranda does, but who knows. More intriguingly, there’s a tiny bit of pushback going on in regards to this film and I do believe the WB are trying to limit the negativity as much as possible. It does seem as though many of the reviews are not out-and-out raves. Reservations could be read in a lot of them. I, for one, am looking forward to eventually watching the film, but, based on the radio silence I’ve been getting, it might only be on opening day. Contribute Hire me

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