As post-production started on “Roma,” Cuaron found the Lynch masterwork to be the most peculiar of inspirations. Cuarón watched Lynch’s Showtime series while putting the finishing touches on his project: “I loved ‘Twin Peaks,’” “I wish more shows were as bold as that.” He went on to add “You have this filmmaker who’s not constraining his narrative,” Cuarón said. “He’s just creating his world, and that world is not only story — it’s also his atmosphere, his cinematic approach. I love it. I love the ambiguity of it, the spookiness of it. I think it’s like wading through the subconsciousness of a very, very wacky mind.” Cuarón added a few interesting points about what I’ve noticed are the blurring of quality lines between TV and cinema: “Television offers an amazing opportunity for narratives, and character,” Cuarón said. “Studios are completely afraid of those things. They’re somehow afraid they’re going to scare people away from the theaters or distract people from the visual effects.” Contribute Hire me

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