The roles played by the movies are quite significant considering the influence of Hollywood on people all over the globe. It has been featured in several major Hollywood hits including two of the most loved films, The Gambler and 21. Las Vegas is considered to be the hub of shooting such movies that captures the actors and actresses having a good time away from their life of monotony.  Thousands of players around the world admire the industry because not only does it describe the colourful picture of casinos, but it also has a similar design to many independent online casinos like ones that are listed on NonGamStopBets, which is a standalone gaming portal. Here in this article, we are about to compare the above-mentioned films and reflect upon the conclusion telling which one is better for punters to watch in their leisure time. 


The release of the film took place back in 2008. The story revolves around a student of mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology called Ben who has been accepted as a medical student at Harvard Medical School but fails to get an admission being unable to afford the admission fee.  He soon after realizes the competition for scholarship is too hard to crack and hence convinces himself of the unattainability which led him to pursue another way to accumulate the tuition fees for medical school. After being challenged by a professor of MIT, our protagonist achieves success in solving the Monty Hall problem and as a result, he was invited to join the professor’s blackjack team where members were fellow students of the university. The film itself is named after the game of blackjack. Students came up with various techniques like card counting and discreet signaling to increase the chances of winning.  Eventually, they go around taking trips to Vegas and as a result, winning a large sum of money using the depicted techniques that they came up with. After being caught by the security team of the casino, the cat and mouse chase continues as the storyline follows the path ahead. The film is a thorough entertainment based on an actual story of the MIT Blackjack Team. 

The Gambler 

The Gambler movie released in the year 2014 is nothing but a remake of the classic of 1974. Gambling is considered to be an illegal activity within the boundaries of Los Angeles so the life of the protagonist, who is a professor of literature, revolves around gambling and eventually winding up into a state where he ended up associating himself with illegally operating underground bookies.  As the plot unfolds, he finds himself more and more immersed in a hefty amount of debts and it leads him having to repay nearly as big as half a million  dollars to some people with a threatening reputation. With the help of the college basketball team the lead character tries to send one to Las Vegas to get people to bet hefty amounts on the match that their team is playing, knowing a fixed match would help him win a huge amount that would help him pay off his debt. The story experiences various ups and downs filling him with changed perspectives on his personal life and it ultimately makes him able to repay all his debts. 


While 21 focuses on all fun and entertainment and other positive jolly sides of winning casino games through tips and tricks, the film The Gambler focuses on the incredible loss one can face as a result of addictive tendencies to gambling. WorldofReel encourages to watch The Gambler over 21 because it illustrates a more original outlook on gambling.  21 might keep you entertained for two hours but can mislead you into thinking gambling is a child’s play and one can easily win big, highlighting only the victory aspect of it. On the contrary, The Gambler shows viewers the challenges that are associated with illegal gambling. These two movies, as many other casino related movies, are products of Hollywood they are meant to glorify gambling but it is upon the viewers to learn the lessons from both the films using a more realistic viewpoint. Contribute Hire me

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